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Nature landscapes

Natural environments are incredible places for landscape photography. In this workshop, I invite you to discover an exceptional natural environment and learn more about landscape photography techniques and tips.

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Nature landscapes

Lorsque le soleil se couche et que les étoiles commencent à briller, un tout nouveau monde s'ouvre à nous! La photographie de paysages nocturnes et de phénomènes astronomiques ou astrophotographie est un domaine de la photographie absolument fascinant. Que vous soyez un amateur de photographie passionné par le ciel nocturne ou un curieux désireux de capturer la beauté des étoiles, l'astrophotographie offre une multitude de possibilités créatives!


  • Small group of 1 to 3 people

  • Location of the workshop : Marais du Nord or Jacques-Cartier National Park

  • Duration: 3 hours (the workshop takes place approximately 30 minutes before sunrise or 2 hours before sunset, park access included)

  • Cost: $300 (a $100 deposit will be requested upon reservation)

  • Offered from May to September


What you will learn in this workshop:

  • Guided tour of the premises

  • The best places to take photos at the swamps

  • Technical advice in landscape photography

  • Advice on composing landscape photos

  • Assistance in taking your photos


Recommended material:

  • A camera (mobile devices are not recommended for this workshop)

  • One or more lenses with focal lengths between 16mm and 200mm

  • Tripod (optional, but can sometimes be useful in low light early in the morning or just after sunset)

  • Walking shoes. water, snack and mosquito repellent


Book your session with me

Thank you!

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